Tarrant County College
Tarrant County College: A Thriving Hub of Academic Excellence and Partnerships
Tarrant County College, one of Texas’ largest community colleges, takes pride in offering an extensive array of affordable, accessible, and high-quality academic and technical programs. In a recent conversation with Chancellor Elva Concha LeBlanc, we delved into the college’s noteworthy accomplishments, valuable partnerships, exciting new programs, and plans for the future.
Highlights and Milestones in the Past 12 Months

The past year has been brimming with excitement and growth for Tarrant County College. Contributing an impressive $2.1 billion annually to the Tarrant County economy, the college plays a vital role in regional economic development. With a strong emphasis on producing highly skilled students ready for the workforce, Tarrant County College has transitioned its focus from enrollment numbers to student learning outcomes.
An essential aspect of their success is the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH) initiative. Targeting students, including first-generation college attendees and English language learners, this program has proven to be a game-changer. Providing the opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma and 60 college credit hours, it has opened doors for 23% of the student population, leading to 100% of them earning a high school diploma. Many of these individuals, who may not have considered attending college otherwise, are now either entering the workforce or pursuing further education at four-year colleges and universities.
Moreover, the college boasts an impressive 55% of nearly 8,000 recent graduates from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, a testament to the success of programs like PTECHs and dual credit. These initiatives have attracted students seeking to reskill and retool for better career prospects.
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Thriving Technical Programs and Strong Industry Partnerships
Tarrant County College takes pride in offering a diverse range of high-demand technical programs. With a focus on meeting industry needs, programs such as aviation, welding, construction, management, accounting, small business development, nursing, and allied health have gained immense popularity.
The college’s partnerships with 1,200 businesses in the North Texas region have been instrumental in providing valuable opportunities like apprenticeships and internships for students. Seventy percent of the college’s students work while attending classes, making apprenticeships a significant boon, benefiting both students and businesses. The students gain hands-on experience while earning money, and businesses have the advantage of identifying potential employees during the apprenticeship period.
A substantial number of Tarrant County College students transfer to universities, facilitated by articulation agreements with prominent colleges throughout the United States. The top ten universities where most Tarrant County College students transfer to include the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of North Texas, Tarleton State University, Texas A&M University, UT Austin, Texas Wesleyan, and Texas Christian University. These agreements provide students with a seamless transition from public schools to TCC and then on to their chosen universities.
Innovative Programs to Address Industry Demands
Tarrant County College is committed to continuously expanding its program offerings to cater to the evolving demands of the business community. One such example is the film industry program, which came to fruition due to the surge in interest generated by the Yellowstone TV series. With the program’s launch this fall, the college will provide an educational pathway into the film industry, benefiting the local community.
Similarly, the college actively collaborates with the health industry to adapt program curricula to address specific workforce needs. Programs focused on nursing, radiologic technicians, paramedics, and other allied health fields have been tailored to meet industry requirements, producing highly skilled graduates. The college consistently adds new certificates to these programs to align with industry advancements and the demand for specialized skills.
Shaping the Future of Higher Education
Looking ahead, Tarrant County College envisions a bright future for both the institution and the community it serves. As the region experiences significant growth and influx of new ideas from out-of-state residents, possibilities for advancement expand exponentially. Partnerships with public schools, early college high school, and dual enrollment are expected to grow substantially, fostering a seamless transition for students from high school to college.
Furthermore, the college aims to enhance its 21st-century workforce programs, even though certain offerings, such as aviation pilot training, face limitations due to FAA regulations. Nursing programs, for instance, will continue to grow and require increased collaboration with the business community to fulfill the industry’s needs.
As part of their forward-thinking approach, Tarrant County College has identified online courses and programs that excel in meeting the needs of working individuals who seek to acquire new skills promptly.
A Billion-Dollar Reinvestment in the Community’s College
In November 2019, Tarrant County voters demonstrated their commitment to the college by approving an $825 million bond proposal. The funding will be used to construct, improve, renovate, and equip facilities across the six-campus district. The Northwest and Southeast Campuses are currently undergoing major redevelopments, making the entire bond program a substantial billion-dollar reinvestment in the community.
The pandemic has underscored the significance of online learning, prompting the college to fortify its online support system and expand virtual learning opportunities. The success of the online campus has provided valuable insights for the college moving forward.

A Vision for an Ever-Improving Higher Education Landscape
Chancellor Elva Concha LeBlanc anticipates a thriving future for Tarrant County College and other post-secondary institutions in the local area. As the region continues to grow, the college will deepen its partnerships with public schools and expand early college high school and dual enrollment programs. By embracing innovation and working closely with the business community, Tarrant County College aims to meet the demands of a dynamic job market and provide students with the best possible educational experience. The college’s relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to nurturing student success will undoubtedly propel it to new heights in the future.
Source: https://www.capitalanalyticsassociates.com/spotlight-on-elva-concha-leblanc-chancellor-tarrant-county-college/