July 27, 2024


March 21-April 19

You may be blushing after a Freudian slip today… be careful or you might actually say what you’re really thinking! There is a lot of cosmic tension in the air so you will need to take extra care of yourself, especially while travelling. If you are upset, avoid driving or operating machinery until you have had plenty of time to calm down.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



April 20-May 20

Neither a borrower nor a lender be on this somewhat stressful day. Your compassionate side may urge you to lend a friend a hand, and that is fine if it doesn’t involve money or compromise your personal values. Do what you can to help without enabling bad behavior or addiction.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



May 21-June 21

Handle all your relationships with care as the Sun and Moon square off. It will be all too easy to fight over petty differences and hurt egos today. Take a deep breath and focus on the work at hand. You can get a lot accomplished if you block out the bickering and concentrate on your responsibilities.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



June 22-July 22

You may be feeling slightly uneasy as the emotional Moon and the dominating Sun clash today. Try to stay on an even keel as the need to change and the need to stay the same conflict now. Part of you may be ready to try something new, while your subconscious has got its heels dug firmly into the ground. Make time to blow off steam in a productive way.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



July 23-August 22

You may experience some friction with an associate today concerning personal values or money. Don’t let the anger of someone else intimidate you. This is a good day to spend some time listening to what others have to say, especially about the things they value: your needs and how you meet them are also important. Pay attention to the ways in which you ensure your emotional survival.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



August 23-September 22

It may be hard to find balance while dominating Sun and the submissive Moon clash today. It seems your career is taking up more time than your partner is happy with. You will need to be sensitive to the feelings of others, as they are more likely to lash out now. Authority figures may be especially moody, so be sure to use your most respectful tone.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



September 23-October 22

Now that the Moon is well into compassionate Pisces and your sixth house of health and service, it’s time to heal thyself. For some of you, this may mean spending the next forty-eight hours in prayer and meditation, breaking only for yoga practice and organic salads. For others, it may mean making a sacrifice that will both purify your heart and bring good karma to your life.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



October 23 – November 21

You’ll be tempted to go overboard by indulging in your favorite treats, but practice moderation! You don’t want to wake up with a chocolate hangover or credit card regret in the morning. Enjoy a nibble of this and a taste of that… you’d be surprised how much a small serving can satisfy. If you go shopping for holiday gifts tonight, insist on finding the best prices!

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



November 22-December 21

Making adjustments in your personal life and in your attitudes will be a little bit easier today. Sure, it may feel as though you don’t have a choice, but you really do. You can choose to hang on to outmoded beliefs and feelings of anger and allow them to destroy your life, or you can choose to let go of old hurts and live again. Your mate will be instrumental in helping you see what you don’t want to see.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



December 22-January 19

You may barely have time to catch your breath as the day starts off with a bang and it seems you need to be everywhere at once. You may be under a lot of pressure and are more likely to let someone have a piece of your mind. If a troublesome co-worker gets in your way, it may be all you can do to keep from saying something you will regret. Schedule time just for yourself.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



January 20-February 18

The passing Moon blends well with Venus in your tenth house of career and reputation, but it creates a mixed bag of blessings for you. You may be very emotionally invested with your career and your ability to make money now; chances are good the next few weeks will be successful for you. However, do not try to control everything… let go and let God!

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



February 19-March 20

The Sun and Moon create friction today, suggesting that you may need to make adjustments in your personal life. Your past may be affecting the way you respond to your present. This is not always fair to the people you are closest to, because it is too easy to make them pay for hurts delivered by others. Step back and think before you react. A touch of good fortune can come your way from Jupiter in your sign, so it’s not all bad, by any means.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign


Copyright AccuWeather, Inc. 2023

This story was originally published December 13, 2023, 4:29 AM.

source: star-telegram

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