July 27, 2024


March 21-April 19

The Moon moves through your sign and your first house of personality, helping you to bounce back from recent difficulties. Everyone can see how strong and resilient you are… it is almost impossible to keep the ever- youthful you down. Ideas you have for improving group associations and the world at large can be expressed today. Don’t be afraid to dream.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



April 20-May 20

You may need extra sleep this morning as the changing Moon enters your sign and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Dreams may be especially cryptic, leaving a strong impression. Don’t be surprised if a quiet mood dominates the day. it is time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so allow plenty of time for soul-soothing activities. Try to go to sleep at least one hour earlier tonight.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



May 21-June 21

The swift Moon enters your eleventh house of friends and associates, putting you in the mood for company. If the weather is fine, consider stepping out with a friend for some fresh air. It’s time to get a new perspective, and one of the best ways is to spend some time observing nature. You may need to think carefully about a decision you need to make soon. Don’t rush yourself.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



June 22-July 22

Pressure begins to build on the job or in your community as the changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and service. You can turn this to your advantage if you keep your cool. What others claim is impossible will be your opportunity to showcase your particular genius. Your sign is nothing if not persistent, grabbing hold of a challenge and seeing it through to the end.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



July 23-August 22

The changing Moon enters your sign and your ninth house of travel and adventure, making you more hopeful about the future. Optimism is a powerful tool, so cultivate some if you don’t have it already. Believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to, and you are already halfway there. Your smile will be especially contagious, so don’t be stingy with it.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



August 23-September 22

The changing Moon enters your assertive sign and your eighth house of money and power today. This may bring up issues of control, whether it pertains to money or simple self-control over personal desires. It may be rather hard for you to resist temptation now and it may even be best for you to give in to it a little. Rather than starve yourself for what you desire, have a small taste and allow that to satisfy your appetite.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



September 23-October 22

The changing Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, urging you to touch base with your beloved. Sometimes we are too busy to really know what our best friends are going through. Take this opportunity to spend time listening to the important people in your life. Not only will they enjoy the attention, but you may learn something new.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



October 23 – November 21

With the Moon entering your sixth house of health and service, many of you will need to get back to business. If you have been indulging in rich foods and alcoholic beverages, you will need to get back to a healthful diet. Those of you who have let your work slide in favor of pleasurable distractions will find it is time to play catch-up. There is a time for play, but now is time for work and discipline.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



November 22-December 21

You’ll feel much brighter today after the Moon enters your brave sign and your fifth house of romance and creativity. Many of you will be ready to have some fun, so make a play date with your favourite playmate. Your natural optimism returns as everything begins to start looking up again. Spend time with your children if you have them as they will help renew your spirit.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



December 22-January 19

The changing Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, making your own four walls seem way too small or nice and cosy. Of course, your home is what you make it, and we often create a replica of our childhood experience. If you aren’t happy with your living arrangements, you would do well to consider what influences from the past have led you to create something you are dissatisfied with.

Lucky Number


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Compatible Sign



January 20-February 18

Important information may be coming your way as the Moon moves through your third house of communication. It may be that you have something to say that won’t wait… just be sure to use tact and diplomacy. Siblings and neighbors make good company now, so make time for them. A cheerful, upbeat mood permeates the day.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



February 19-March 20

The Moon moves through your energetic sign and your second house of personal finances, helping you to be more productive. You may be more motivated to increase your resources as well as tend to what you currently possess. Emotional gratification can be gained from buying things that please you today. It can’t hurt to indulge in shopping therapy if you stick to your budget.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign


Copyright AccuWeather, Inc. 2024

source: star-telegram

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