July 27, 2024


March 21-April 19

Your intuitive powers are increased as the Full Moon, a total Lunar Eclipse clashes with penetrating Pluto at the Solstice. If you feel you just know something, chances are you’re right. Unfortunately, a great deal of cosmic tension exists today, with communication breakdowns in the air, so don’t expect smooth sailing. The Solstice begins a four week period that sees a major goal firmly within your grasp and your focus on success, but today is potentially quite risky!

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



April 20-May 20

This Full Moon at the Solstice will let you know that it’s time to get serious about what you value. It’s a Lunar Eclipse so can be a time of great reward, but also one of heavy responsibilities. You may given a promotion at work or an important position. Don’t starve your loved ones of affection, thinking your deeds have spoken louder than your words. Take a deep breath and prepare to be both flexible and firmly grounded! If anyone can pull such a feat off, it’s you.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



May 21-June 21

This is a serious Full Moon for the normally less-than-serious Twins… with Mercury and Pluto also opposed by the Moon in your sign, you may be faced with some difficult decisions, under the total Lunar Eclipse. You can talk all you like this time, but it seems that Peter Pan is finally being forced to grow up. That doesn’t mean you have to get old! Face your responsibilities squarely, but please, never lose your fresh outlook on life! The Solstice sees you focused on your closest relationships, despite the upsets. Reach deep into your pockets and heart, and you’ll be doubly blessed.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



June 22-July 22

You may prefer solitude to company now as the Full Moon, a total Lunar Eclipse, activates your twelfth house of subconscious matters, just before the Moon blazes into your sign. Stress is likely to make you more susceptible to illness, so protect yourself with plenty of rest and vitamin C. Be sure to give plenty of attention to your partner, whose house is awakened at the Solstice. He or she could be feeling rather insignificant next to you! Singles will have plenty of admirers…

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



July 23-August 22

The Full Moon in your eleventh house of friends and associates is a Lunar Eclipse and associated with a series of stressful aspects. Friendships could turn into love, and love could turn into friendship… and back again! Allow each relationship to flow and follow its own natural course, but do not expect too much of commitments given under this difficult Solstice.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



August 23-September 22

You are in the public eye as the Full Moon activates their tenth house of career and reputation. It’s a Lunar Eclipse, with hostile aspects hitting retrograde Mercury and obstructive Pluto, so be careful what you say and don’t fall into a power play, especially with children or lovers. On the other hand, take the time to groom and preen yourself this morning… with Mars on guard, you never know who you might meet! The Solstice sees you the life and soul of the party, bedazzling all who come within your luminous sphere, but take care and leave the big celebrations till later in the month.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



September 23-October 22

Frustration is likely as the Full Moon clashes with a horde of planets, especially as it’s a Lunar Eclipse. Remain patient and keep a cautious and conservative attitude when travelling or communicating over long distances. In fact, stay home if you can. The Solstice emphasizes your clan and all things domestic. If you are having extended family to stay, you will go all out to make the time as pleasurable for them as possible. Just remember: you can’t please them all and if you try, you’ll have a serious case of burn out.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



October 23 – November 21

The total Eclipse at the Full Moon makes you feel especially intense and edgy again, especially as Pluto and Mars are under pressure. Difficulty in your personal finances or a disagreement concerning joint resources may flare up now, it being the Solstice and all. Try not to take it personally. Everything can be worked out, but there are always the proper channels that must be accessed. If you feel like you are drowning in a sea of red tape, take a break and step away from the matter. The Solstice marks the beginning of a four week period that sees you focused on communicating and getting your ideas across, so write everything down and don’t be swayed from your course.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



November 22-December 21

The Full Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, placing the focus on other people in your life. It’s a Lunar Eclipse, so as much as you would like to think you don’t need anyone else, the adventuresome Archer needs the stability and comfort of someone dependable. The Solstice marks the beginning of a period of certainty about where your life is headed. Use this time wisely, so you put foundations in place that start you on your future path. Unfortunately, this means that you may need to settle down a bit yourself, something that doesn’t come naturally to the Jupiter-ruled.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



December 22-January 19

The Solstice marks the beginning of a phase where you come down from the mountain and join the rest of the herd, as you experience a burst of self-confidence. The Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse in your house of health and service, opposes a raft of planetary heavies and brings up health issues. How long has it been since you had a thorough physical examination? You can’t remember? With purging Pluto at work in your sign, you need to get in tune with the way your body speaks to you, or face the consequences. Take up Yoga or a similar discipline so you can learn the language of your earthly vessel.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



January 20-February 18

Today’s Full Moon may give your holiday festivities a serious note… It’s a total Lunar Eclipse, and with dark Pluto involved, this is a good time to count your blessings and tend to your responsibilities. Spending time with the children in your life may teach you something important, but then you will want to wind down and take some time for yourself, which is totally understandable. Aquarius is a gregarious sign, but even you need to be by yourself sometimes. Remain open to the messages the Universe sends you.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



February 19-March 20

Make your home your own coral atoll as the Full Moon lights your fourth house of home and family at the Solstice. It won’t be easy to clear up any misunderstandings today. However, if you don’t, you may not have another chance. With Jupiter still lighting your sign, you need to open up to attitudes that let you keep growing. Are you firmly focused on your goals and aspirations? Now is the time to stop dreaming and start doing – really it’s only your fears and insecurities that are holding you back.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign


Copyright AccuWeather, Inc. 2023

This story was originally published December 21, 2023, 4:30 AM.

source: star-telegram

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