July 27, 2024


March 21-April 19

The Leo Moon continues to add sweetness to your life, so enjoy these moments of harmony and happiness. You may be feeling especially generous today but your wallet may not be able to provide the means for every gift you would like to purchase. Be creative and find smaller, less expensive gifts that will tell them you really thought about who they are and what they like.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



April 20-May 20

Almost anything can happen today while the sensitive Moon and unpredictable Uranus clash. Arguments may seem unavoidable, but you have the power to keep an unpleasant family member from ruining your holidays. If someone is deliberately trying to bait you, foil their attempts by remaining calm and serene. That way, the surprise will be all yours!

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



May 21-June 21

The sensitive Moon enters analytical Virgo and your fourth house of home and family today and you need to find some time to be alone in your own space. You’ll be challenged in relationships over the next two days or so… try not to lose your cool. Be aware of how you respond to others. It may be that you are replaying a scene from the past that has no place in the present.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



June 22-July 22

You’ll be feeling especially generous as the Moon and Jupiter combine. If you haven’t got cash to spare, consider giving of your time and talent. Most Crabs are good with children, so consider baking cookies to send to a children’s home or hospital, or help out at your local school. Spread some Christmas cheer and let people know that you care in your own unique way.

Lucky Number


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Compatible Sign



July 23-August 22

After a relatively pleasant day with friends and family, it’s time to get organized. The Moon moves into tidy Virgo and your second house of personal finances, urging you to take a good look at your bank book. Try to get your payments in the mail today… you don’t want to pay any exorbitant late fees! Unless you do this now you may forget, so get them out of the way.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



August 23-September 22

Recharge your spiritual batteries while the Moon remains in your twelfth house of endings, early in the day. Later, you should feel energized by the Moon entering your first house of personality. You’ll enjoy being in charge this evening, making sure that family dinners and other events go smoothly. Count your blessings as you look forward to a brand new year.

Lucky Number


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Compatible Sign



September 23-October 22

After a lively day, the mysterious Moon enters your twelfth house of solitude. It’s time to slow down, so consider staying home tonight. You need time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so allow yourself some quiet time. Dreams you have this evening could be revealing, but don’t let night visions frighten you! The Images that come to you in sleep can help you understand your waking worries.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



October 23 – November 21

Yesterday’s stress eventually gives way to a feeling of relief as the Moon enters your eleventh house of friendship. Sometimes the friends we choose can be like surrogate family; consider celebrating the season with the clan of your own choosing. A lighthearted mood replaces the anxiety and tension of the past few days. A shiny new year is just around the corner!

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



November 22-December 21

Unpredictable Uranus teams up with the pleasure-loving Moon to create some delightful surprises today. Even what seems like a disappointment can turn out to be the best thing that happens all month. Friends with spur-of-the-moment plans bring romance to your door…be ready to go at a moment’s notice if possible. Family gatherings and group events are lovely.

Lucky Number


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Compatible Sign



December 22-January 19

Many Cappies will be tempted to go overboard when indulging in pleasures of the flesh as the Moon and Jupiter combine; remember that you won’t feel very good in the morning if you don’t know when to say when. Sweet desserts and rich meats may go down nicely, but later on you could suffer from the revenge of your intestines. Go easy on the spirits or you might find yourself acting out of character.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



January 20-February 18

The tender Moon and sensual Venus blend to create sparks in your closest relationships… you could be completely surprised by an unexpected gift. Hopefully, this will be a positive thing or the day could degenerate into an ugly scene. If you are disappointed, wait until an opportune time to say so. Then, be very clear about how you feel and why you feel that way.

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Compatible Sign



February 19-March 20

You may have quite a bit of work to do, but don’t let that prevent you from bonding with your partner later this evening. It’s time to review the past year together. What did you learn and what still confounds you? How can you improve your relationship in the coming year? Where would you like to be next December? Start working on your New Year’s list now.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign


Copyright AccuWeather, Inc. 2023

This story was originally published December 24, 2023, 4:29 AM.

source: star-telegram

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