July 2, 2024


March 21-April 19

The nurturing Moon continues to move through your eleventh house of friends and associates, making this a wonderful day for social activity. Lunch with someone special will be uplifting and energizing, even if he or she needs your shoulder to cry on. Everything seems easier when it is shared, so share both your joys and your sorrows today.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



April 20-May 20

Finances tend to take up a lot of your attention these days, but today you will be stimulated to reassess your personal value system, especially with regard to how your working persona expresses your core principles. There could be a clash with tradition, especially if your family is conservative. If you are intending to go out on the town tonight, be sure to keep it light, in the company of friends. Avoid conflict and stay away from risky neighborhoods.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign



May 21-June 21

Your intellect is stimulated by unusual or outrageous ideas. It’s fantastic for your energy, especially if you are concerned with writing, publishing, education or anything connected with foreigners and faraway places. You will be the center of attention tonight, so if you are seeking romance, expect to be pursued. Will you allow yourself to be caught?

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



June 22-July 22

Steadily working on your own will bring good dividends today. The intellectual energy is quite high, but too much dealing with other people could be unsettling. Stay away from old people and keep a low profile with miserable types, as you will get depressed if you try to help them. Keep yourself to yourself, as the cosmos is rather argument-prone tonight. Mind you, this same energy can generate a powerful attraction, so choose your poison.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



July 23-August 22

Expansive spurts of energy overtake you today, which is good because you were getting tired of things and needed a change. Tonight would be ideal for soiree of a spritely intellectual and rather challenging nature. Cuddle up to your den mate, or use this brave soul to fend off unwelcome intruders. Tufts of fur will fly later, so end the discussion with an invitation.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



August 23-September 22

There is some emotional stress today, a bit of a letdown after the recent fun. Nevertheless, if you are working, your mind is fully engaged, producing quite some progress in finding ways for improving systems and routines. Disagreements with colleagues and subordinates should be addressed with care and can wait till after the next few days. It’s a good day for investigating new health treatments, getting a makeover, or starting a positive exercise routine.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



September 23-October 22

There are quite mixed energies today, but your heart will be leaping . Personal magnetism is high and the waves of attraction flow your way, so make the most of them. Those whose interests lie in matters to do with foreign affairs, trading, travel, publishing and cultural pursuits will be powerfully stimulated, but everything is not completely straightforward. A baffling block will arise, but forget the problem, it will soon resolve if you sleep on it.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



October 23 – November 21

Retreat to the hearth, my dears, as domestic and family affairs are now likely to become disorganized. Guard your health, for a dose of sickness looms if you allow your digestive organs to get upset, or the circulation to become stressed. Take care on the playing fields as the potential for injury is there, and you don’t want to spend the next few days in bed, at least not with a torn ligament.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



November 22-December 21

It will do you good to get out and about today, as the energy is much more you. Sporty fixtures will suit you, especially if you are a player, though watching the athletic types in action will also be pleasant enough. Some ego conflict may arise but by and large it’s the start of a good next few days. Stay out of arguments, as they will be easily provoked. The good thing is, the same passion can strike quite a fire in the storm, even between two unlikely riders.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



December 22-January 19

You are feeling rather more free with your funds, or maybe the bank’s funds, than is perhaps wise, dear Goats. A biff of cosmic energy has excited your usually frugal habits and threatens to fling caution to the wind. However, this would not be the best course under current aspects, so remain calm and warm and dry, as tomorrow is a better day.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



January 20-February 18

Charm and charisma are very much your suit today, as the cosmos swings into gear. It’s an ideal day to invite the gang over and share some laughs, witty conversation and tales of the good times. Your mind is in great shape and ardent desire is surfacing, but be sure to keep the party fairly low key, as the energies get a little haywire later.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook


Compatible Sign



February 19-March 20

It might be time to retreat into the back seat for the time being, as you’ll need all your strength and intuition in a couple of days. The energies tonight are less than ideal as the dreamy quality that can cause dislocation will be strong. For some it will be fine, but for you it would be better to curl up with the cat, or just eat marshmallows and relax.

Lucky Number


Financial Outlook

very good

Compatible Sign


Copyright AccuWeather, Inc. 2024

This story was originally published February 24, 2024, 4:29 AM.

source: star-telegram

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